Friday, April 15, 2016

Private sector still not aware of SDGs .

OVER 40 per cent of Tanzania’s private sector are not aware of the Sustainable development Goals, a survey report has shown.
Vice President, Samia Suluhu Hassan addresses delegates at the opening of the 1st African sustainable Business Summit in Dar es Salaam yesterday.
Released yesterday in Dar es Salaam during the opening of the first African Sustainable Business Summit that was launched by the Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan, the survey findings showed though the private sector is expected to play a central in the implementation of the SDGs, they remain ill informed of how to go about it.
In her inaugural speech at the two day summit, the VP pointed out that; “there is a compelling case to better harness the full power of private sector business in combating the various socio-economic challenges that Tanzania and the wider African community is facing.”
She said whether one thinks of climate change, the alleviation of poverty, or providing energy, food and water to 45 million Tanzanians, it is clear that the business sector must play a central role.
“As with most countries, the government cannot fully meet the social needs of the people with public resources alone. Despite not being a replacement for effective public-sector action, the private sector provides a complementary means to expand social services,” she went on to note.
“In every setting, both the public/private sectors have roles to play in addressing the complex and difficult challenges faced by the country to expand access to high-priority services to underserved populations as well as achieving the new SDGs,” Vice President Suluhu said.
In his presentation, CEO of the African Sustainable Business Summit Magazine, Raymond Mtabayiwa shared light on the implication of the survey findings.
“The fact that such a large part of the private sector is not aware of the SDGs highlights the need to increase awareness efforts,” he said.
He said when asked ‘who has the main responsibility to implement the SDGs?’ Over half of the respondents said it is the government.
“This shows great reliance on the government and again highlights the need to raise awareness as to the role of the private sector in implementation of the SDGs and of the business opportunities presented by the SDGs,’ he added.
Echoing the Vice President, the CEO went on to emphasize that the daunting task of implementing the SGDs cannot be should by any single entity but rather relies on the partnership of the government, the private sector, CSOs, NGOs and the international community alike.
In his presentation at the summit, the UN Resident Coordinator in Tanzania, Alvaro Rodriguez affirmed the UN’s commitment to supporting initiatives geared at realization of the SDGs. He underscored the great challenges that modern society face like climate change, poverty and inequality and the need for multi-sectorial partnership to address them.
Other than top government officials, the summit was attended by business leaders, diplomats, CSO and NGO representatives. The two day summit that culminates today featured several panel discussions sought to bring together key stakeholders to deliberate private sector engagement in the SDGs.

Heart touching love story .

There was a small village where a boy and a girl were staying together. Once they were playing together in a small field. The boy had a collection of small marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he would give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.

The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.
That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep, as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.
Moral of the story: If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, you'll always keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent. This is applicable for all relationship like love, friendship, employer-employee relationship etc. Give your hundred percent to everything you do and drive home happily.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wakiwafyatulia risasi jibuni mapigo-Acp Msangi.

Kamanda mpya wa Mkoa wa Mwanza ACP, Ahmed Msangi, amewataka askari wake kutumia mbinu za kijeshi kudhibiti vitendo vya uhalifu wa kutumia silaha za moto ili kukomesha kabisa matukio ya aina hiyo katika mkoa huo.
Kamanda mpya wa Mkoa wa Mwanza ACP, Ahmed Msangi,
Akizungumza wakati akikaribishwa katika mkoa huo Kamanda Msangi, amewataka askari hao kujibishana kwa silaha endapo watakua wanakabiliana na majambazi wenye silaha ili kuepusha madhara yanayoweza kujitokeza kwa askari na jamii kwa ujumla.
Kamanda Msangi amesema kuwa haikubaliki askari kupambana na Majambazi wanaotumia silaha kwa kupambana na marungu na kusisitiza kuwa yoyote atakaetumia uhalifu wa silaha achapwe kwa silaha vilevile.
Aidha, Kamanda huyo wa Mwanza amewataka askari hao kuumpa ushirikiano wa karibu kwa kufanya kazi ikiwa ni kuendana sambamba na kasi ya serikali ya awamu ya tano na ikiwezekana wazidishe kasi zaidi.

Hapa ni kazi tu -Hamad Rashid.

Hamad ameyasema hayo siku chache mara baada ya kuanza kazi ofisini kwake ambapo pamoja na mambo mengine ameshiriki zoezi la kupanda miti kwa lengo la kutunza mazingira.
''Wanaoamini watashiba kwa kufanya siasa ofisini watuachie ofisi waende kwenye siasa kwenye maeneo wanayotaka lakini sasa kwenye eneo langu ni kazi tuu na mnanifahamu mimi ninapenda uwajibikaji na si siasa kazini''
- Amesisitiza Hamad.
Aidha amewasisitiza wananchi kwamba wakati wa kufanya siasa umekwisha visiwani humo na kilichobakia ni kuwatumikia wananchi, kiongozi huyo wa chama cha upinzani alichaguliwa na Rais Dkt. Ali Mohamed Shein kuwa waziri wa kilimo ambapo katika uchaguzi wa marudio uliopita alishika nafasi ya tatu kwa kupata wa asilimia tatu ya kura zilizopigwa kisiwani humo.

Wivu ndio kila kitu kwenye mahusiano - Linex.

Akiongea kwenye kipindi cha E-news kinachorushwa na East Africa Television, Linex amesema ukishakuwa kwenye mapenzi, lazima masuala ya wivu yatakuwepo na hicho ndicho kipimo cha mapenzi kwa yule mwandani wako.
“Mapenzi mabaya means kwamba ukishakuwa kwenye mapenzi, mpenzi wako akikuonesha wivu kuhusiana na jambo fulani ambalo hajalielewa, huwezi 'kumdoubt' unatakiwa ufurahi kumbe napendwa mimi”, alisema Linex
Pia Linex amesema ili kujiepusha na migogoro na mwenzi wake huyo ambaye amemuweka wazi kwa jamii, amesema wao kama wasanii anachofanya ni kujiepusha na mitandao ya kijamii kuchunguza nini anafanya kwani mwenzi wake huyo hamchunguzi kwenye mahusiano.
“Kwa mfano mimi ngoja nikwambie kitu kimoja, mimi simfollow wala yeye hanifollow, hajui ninachopost wala sijui anachopost”, alibainisha Linex kuhusu yeye na mpenzi wake.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Zaidi ya wafanyakazi 300 wa kampuni ya ujenzi wa barabara Bariadi wamegoma.

Zaidi ya wafanyakazi 300 wa kampuni ya China Communications Contrustions Ltd (CCCC), inayojenga barabara yenye urefu wa kilometa 71.8, kuanzia Lamadi hadi Bariadi kwa kiwango cha lami, wamegoma kuingia kazini wakimtaka mwajiri wao kuwalipa mapunjo pamoja na malimbikizo yao ya mishahara ya miaka mitatu na kupinga kitendo cha baadhi yao kufukuzwa kazi kiholela bila kulipwa stahiki zao.
Mgomo huo umeanza majira ya saa kumi na mbili alfajiri hii leo kwa wafanyakazi hao kukusanyika nje ya lango kuu la kuingia ndani ya kambi hiyo ya wakandarasi kutoka China iliyopo katika kijiji cha Nyakabindi wilayani Bariadi.
Baadhi ya wafanyakazi hao wakizungumza kwa hisia, baada ya askari wa kikosi cha kutuliza ghasia (FFU) mkoa wa Simiyu kuwasili katika eneo hilo kwa lengo la kuwatawanya walikuwa na haya ya kusema.
Afisa raslimali watu wa kampuni hiyo Rosemary Mayunga, alipotakiwa na ITV kuzungumzia madai ya wafanyakazi hao aliamua kugeuka bubu huku akificha sura yake mbele ya kamera ya ITV.
Hata hivyo, mkuu wa mkoa wa Simiyu Antony Mtaka amelitolea ufafanuzi suala hilo baada ya kukutana na uongozi wa kampuni hiyo, wawakilishi wa wafanyakazi na kamati ya ulinzi na usalama ya mkoa huo ofisini kwake.
Ujenzi wa barabara ya Lamadi hadi Bariadi uliogharimu zaidi ya shilingi bilioni 67, ulianza Oktoba mwaka 2009.

Jamii yatakiwa kuwasaidia watoto wa mitaani kupata elimu.

Jamii imetakiwa kuwa na moyo wa kuwasaidia watoto wamitaani kwa kuwapatia mahitaji muhimu ikiwa pamoja na kuwashawishi kuwenda shule, kwa kufanya hivyo taifa baadaye litakuwa limepunguza idadi kubwa ya vijana ambao watakuwa hawana shuguli maalumu za kufanya ikiwemo wanojihusisha na vitendo vya uhalifu.
Hayo amesema mkuu wa kituo cha kulelea watoto wa mitaani cha Chrildren Community Center cha mjini Singida Sister Sara Emmanuel baada ya viongozi wa shirikisho la wanafunzi wa vyuo vikuu mkoani Singida kutoa msaada kwa watoto hao zaidi ya miatano ambao wanalelewa na kituo hicho.
Akitoa msaada huo mwenyekiti wa shirikisho hilo Bi Mary Mpoke amesema wanafunzi wameguswa na kuwaonea huruma watoto hao ambao ni viongozi wa baadaye na kuamua kuwa changia kutoka katika posho zao za kujikimu chuoni na kwa kuwanunulia mikate, vifaa vya usafi, sabauni, madaftari. 
Kituo hicho ambacho kipo Singida mjini kimekuwa kikitoa msaada kwa kuwapatia chakula na mahitaji mengine ya shule kila siku wanapotoka shuleni kwa mashariti ya kuonyesha walicho soma kwa siku, kikiwa na  lengo la kuwa shawishi kuendelea na masomo kwa kwenda shule badala ya kuzurura na kuwa watoto wa chokoraa.