Monday, January 25, 2016

NIDA bigwigs out as Magufuli strikes again.

Chief Secretary Ombeni Sefue addresses journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday on various issues, including the immediate suspension of National Identification Authority (NIDA) director general  President John Magufuli has fired the Director General of the National Identification Authority (NIDA), Dickson Maimu, along with four other top officials in connection with the expenditure of over 179.6bn/-.
Addressing journalists yesterday in Dar es Salaam, Chief Secretary Ombeni Sefue mentioned the other four NIDA officials as Joseph Makani who was the Director for Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Raphael Mapande (Chief Procurement Officer), Sabrina Nyoni (Legal Director) and George Ntalima (Transport Officer).
He said the President has also ordered the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) to conduct purchase orders and to also investigate whether there was bribery of any kind throughout the process of making and issuance of the national IDs.
The President further directed the office of the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) to conduct a special audit of NIDA accounts and to check if there is value for money considering the number of IDs that have been issued so far.
Also, the Chief Secretary said President Magufuli has fired Eng Madeni Kipande who was Katavi’s Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) even before he finished his six months probation period. 
“Eng Kipande has been fired for poor performance…he has not even completed his probation period,” said Sefue calling on public servants to work 
diligently and maintain discipline when serving the public.
He said undisciplined servants will be punished accordingly and urged every public leader not to hesitate to take disciplinary measures against lazy, undisciplined and dishonest employees.
Sefue noted that starting March this year, all public servants will be required to wear a name tag when at their offices to increase transparency and accountability. He ordered all government departments and institutions to set up special customer desks to ensure proper services are offered to the citizens and to allow reporting of poor performing officials.
“Poor performers will be taken to task,” said Sefue warned.
In another development, President Magufuli has ordered back home with immediate effect three Tanzanian Ambassadors including Dr Batilda Buriani who was representing the country in Tokyo—Japan, Dr James Msekela of Rome—Italia and Peter Kallaghe who was based in London—United Kingdom.
He said Ambassador Peter Kallaghe will be assigned other duties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional East African and International Cooperation while Dr Batilda Buriani and Dr James Msekela have been ordered to return in the country following expiry of their contracts.
Following the recall, there are now four Embassies without representatives these are London- United Kingdom, Rome—Italia, Tokyo—Japan and Brussels in Belgium whose Ambassador was elected MP for Nkenge constituency in last years’ General Election.
Other Embassies  without ambassadors include Kuala Lumpar—Malaysia following appointment of Ambassador Dr Aziz Mlima as Permanent Secretary in the Foreign Affairs, Regional East African and International Cooperation Ministry and Brazil after retirement of Ambassador Francis Malambugi.
Sefue said the President has also appointed former Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mahadhi Juma Mhadhi as Tanzania’s First Ambassador to Kuwait following the government decision to open its Embassy in Kuwait.

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